The Brethren

The Brethren

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The Brethren is in many respects his most daring book yet. The novel grows from two separate subplots. In the first, three imprisoned ex-judges (the "brethren" in the title), frustrated by their loss of power and influence, concoct an elaborate blackmail scheme that preys on wealthy, closeted gay men. The second story traces the rise of presidential candidate Aaron Lake, a puppet essentially created by CIA director Teddy Maynard to fulfill Maynard"s plans for restoring the power of his beleaguered agency.Grisham"s tight control of the two meandering threads leaves the reader guessing through most of the opening chapters how and when these two worlds will collide. Also impressive is Grisham"s careful portraiture. Justice Hatlee Beech in particular is a fascinating, tragic anti-hero: a millionaire judge with an appointment for life who was rendered divorced, bankrupt, and friendless after his conviction for a drunk-driving homicide.The book"s cynical view of presidential politics and criminal justice casts a somewhat gloomy shadow over the tale. CIA director Teddy Maynard is an all-powerful demon with absolute knowledge and control of the public will and public funds. Even his candidate, Congressman Lake, is a pawn in Maynard"s egomaniacal game of ad campaigns, illicit contributions, and international intrigue. In the end, The Brethren marks a transition in Grisham"s career toward a more thoughtful narrative style with less interest in the big-payoff blockbuster ending. But that"s not to say that the last 50 pages won"t keep your reading light turned on late.
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Автор на обложке
John Grisham
Основной жанр книги
Художественная литература
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Second-hand книга
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Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка
Букинистическое издание: Художественная литература
4901990000 - Прочие печатные книги, брошюры, листовки, аналогичные печатные издания, сброшюрованные
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